
Frogs’ Fountain

The bronze sculpture of two boys playing was created by sculptor Karel Dvořák in 1948, inspired by T. G. Masaryk's grandsons Herbert and Leonard Revilliod.The fountain is also know...

Devil’s Stone

Larger boulder called the Devil's Stone


Tampereella Tampellan tehtaalla vuonna 1939 valmistettu veturi palveli rautateillämme tavarajunan vetäjänä aina 1970-luvun alkuvuosiin saakka. Tavarajunan tulipesä ahmi koivuhalkoa...

German High Seas Fleet Diesel ...

The remains of a German High Seas Fleet diesel pinnace as located in Scapa Flow.This model faithfully records the site as-found-as-was.The next group of divers removed all the bras...

Kronprinz Wilhelm Anchor

Large anchor believed to be from the German battleship Kronprinz Wilhelm. Found by Kevin Heath/Sula Diving in Scapa Flow.


Mavic Mini SE + Samsung S10e test