Wreck of HMT Fortuna.
Dived 19th August 2020. 55m for 97 minutes. 11C at depth, 15C on deco.
Attacked and sunk by German aircraft off St Abbs Head 2nd April 1941 with the loss of all 15 crew.
Look out for…
- Bomb damage at port side of bow
- Deck winch followed by single boiler then triple expansion engine
- Deck house next to starboard trawl-board a-frame
- Something lying on seabed below A-frame
- Rudder jammed hard around to starboard
- Beautiful shaped stern
- Four bladed propeller (all broken off)
More details here…
Excellent video by Brian Goddard here…
Recorded on GoPro Hero 7 4k, 4:3.
Big Blue 2x33k plus 2x9k total 88k lumens.
12803 images extracted for alignment (8 per second) using Metashape v1.7