By John Kendall
Create new
Filter assets on Globe
Annotations in Asset View Mode are not saved.
If you want persistent annotations, create a New Project.
If you want persistent annotations, create a New Project.
Annotations list
Add and remove the people who have access to edit or view the project
You need to upgrade your subscription to add more members to this project. Click here to upgrade.
Rotation Wizard
Select three points on the 3D model which will be used to define the ground plane.
Rotations will be calculated automatically.
Rotations will be calculated automatically.
Scale Wizard
Select two points on the 3D model which have known distance between them.
You need to set a distance in order to use the scale wizard.
Add a title for your annotation
Select the annotation type
Add a description for the annotation.
Add a featured attachments for the annotation
Graphic Proprieties
Set a color opacity
Set a line width for the annotation
Show or hide the pin for this specific location.
Show or hide the text.
Show or hide the leader.
Add a image for the image plane
Other settings
Thumbnail and View Settings
Create/update thumbnail from current asset view.
Add a featured image for the annotation
Click on the buttons if you want to set and save new view or reset it.
Here go the details of the annotation
The entity ID
Rendering performance
Movement Speed
Perspective Camera
Orthographic Camera
Camera Field of view
Advanced settings
Preferred storage server selection
Change the location of the server from where you load the asset resources
Preferred details modal position
Change wether you want the details modal to be floating or left pane
View settings
Clipping Plane Creation Menu
Three selected points define the plane.
The slope of the mesh at the selected point defines the plane.
Image Plane Creation Menu
Three selected points define the plane.
The slope of the mesh at the selected point defines the plane.
- Background Layer
- Project Assets
Background Color
Terrain Map Modification
Allows for visibility of asset below the terrain map
Main Project Assets
Compare Assets
Main assets selected for the project
Compare assets
Twin View
Compare View
Nearby Assets
Display other public assets within the specified radius.
How to navigate
- Orbit
- Fly
Left click and drag to pan.
Right click and grad to rotate.
Mouse scroll
Scroll wheel to zoom
Move around
Tap and drag an any direction to move around.
Zoom in, rotate the view
Look around
Click and drag an any direction to look around
Use keyboard WASD keys to move around
Move up
Use keyboard R key to move up
Move down
Use keyboard R key to move down
Increase speed
Press the Shift key to increase movement speed
Look around
Tap and drag an any direction to look around.
Jump to new location
Double-tap on the asset to choose start location.
Use arrows keys to move around
Move up/down
Click on the right up arrow to move up or down arrow to move down
Enable First Person View
Double-click on the asset to choose start location.
Look around
Click and drag an any direction to look around
Use WASD keys to move around
Increase speed
Press the Shift key to increase movement speed
Jump to new location
Double-click on the asset to choose new location.
Enable First Person View
Double-tap on the asset to choose start location.
Look around
Tap and drag an any direction to look around.
Jump to new location
Double-tap on the asset to choose start location.
Use arrows keys to move around