
Fire Island Lighthouse

While visiting NY, I went by and captured the Fire Island Lighthouse



SSF Fish Holm, T2

The seabed along the transect consists of sand and shells/shell fragments, becoming slightly gravelly in the NW. Fauna are dominated by echinoderms (brittlestars, urchins, starfish...

SSF Fish Holm, Plot H

Plot H (at intersection of T3 and T7). Water depth 65m. Sandy seabed with scattered shells/shell fragments and gravel. Relatively abundant epifauna dominated by echinoderms (urchin...

SSF Fish Holm, Plot E

Plot E (at intersection of T2 and T4). ROV line impacted by tide-related technical issues. Sandy seabed with scattered shells and shell fragments. Water depth 53-58m.

SSF Fish Holm, Plot B

Plot B (at intersection of T2 and T5). Flat, sandy area of seabed, with gravel present in varying quantities. Fauna are dominated by echinoderms (urchins, starfish and brittlestars...